When Is It Time for Addiction Therapy?
Like other chronic illnesses, addiction is a disease that can be managed successfully. Seeking treatment is the best way for you, or someone you know, to begin the recovery process. Treatment enables substance abusers to counteract the disruptive effects that drugs or...
DiRomaTherapy: Long-term Effects of Substance Abuse
We all know (or have been told) that drugs are bad. They can lead to addiction, illness, overdose, and can have a devastating impact on relationships with family members and friends. Unfortunately, many people dismiss the potential consequences of substance abuse. The...
The Importance of an Intervention; Advice from a Therapist
Identifying Substance Abuse Substance abuse can begin as early as adolescence. It isn’t uncommon for teenagers to be involved in illicit drug use or drinking; however, signs of early substance abuse are not always easily identified. Parents can be unaware of their...
A Problem with Alcohol; What to Expect from Withdrawal
What is it? Alcoholism, or alcohol abuse and dependence, involves a person’s inability to manage their drinking habits. There are concerning instances when you notice this pattern in a friend, loved one, or even yourself. If you enjoy drinking or know close...
How Substance Abuse Affects the Ones you Love
Many addicts won’t understand the emotional burden of loving someone with a substance abuse problem. They will rationalize their behavior with the idea that it won’t affect anyone since it’s “their problem”. This mentality is just another negative aspect of addiction,...
Overcoming Addiction: Why Drug Counseling is the Best Option
Drug counseling is a common treatment option for those who struggle with substance abuse. The reality is, it may be difficult for struggling addicts to want to seek treatment by themselves. Usually, it takes interventional tactics on friends or family members' parts...
The Benefits of Professional Psychotherapy
The term psychotherapy is used by plenty of people trying to raise awareness for mental health and treatment for those in need. Here at DiRomaTherapy, we do our best to offer these therapeutic services for those in need. In this article, we’ll go over some important...
How DiRomaTherapy Can Help With Addiction Therapy
Addiction therapy is a common treatment option for those suffering from any forms of addictive behavior. Addiction is a long term chronic condition which can impact almost every aspect of an individual's life, from their personal relationships to their professional...
Helping with The Dangers and Consequences of Substance Abuse
Alcohol abuse is a disease, and is a hard and vicious cycle to make a departure from. Alcohol and drug abuse is not a simple path to embark on. Individuals who are abusing a substance may not realize it is abuse at first. There are many health problems and long term...
Problems with Drugs: Noticing it in People Closest to You
Drug abuse, like many other scary topics, is something that can seemingly never happen to someone we know or love, until it does. Drugs do not discriminate on age, gender, ethnicity or anything else, making almost anyone a vulnerable target to develop problems with...